
I awoke this morning in awe at how the Lord is changing things in my heart.

A few decades ago, I had to ask the Lord for compassion. If He wanted me to be a pastor, then there was no way I could function with the hardness of heart I exhibited toward people. I operated from the standpoint of, “You made your bed. Now you have to lie in it.”

It broke my heart that my heart was in such condition.

Over the years that followed, I have seen the Lord’s work of grace in my heart, as compassion has been developed. It is not something that I have done, but a work of grace within me.

This past decade, He has been teaching me the difference between human and divine compassion–a lesson not easily learned. (I’ll not discuss the distinctions of each here. Maybe later.)

I’ve grown to have compassion on those whom I love, and those with whom I am related in business or socially.

But, this morning, I awoke with a burden on my heart for those I only know through the blogosphere. I’ve never met them. I do not know the sound of their voice.

I only know that they are hurting–and I was hurt by their pain.

For that I am grateful.

One is caught in the aftermath of an ice storm and has no power.

One has had his income severely curtailed and has to relocate.

One has a new job that changes the way things were done at home, and mutual support is now challenging.

One is dealing with marital betrayal.

One is dealing with a son who is having tremendous difficulty.

I awoke praying intensely for each of these–my friends whom I have never met–in a way that I’ve never prayed even for those oft-repeated ‘prayer requests’ for sickness and pain within the local assembly.

It is a new day for me. And I am thankful for the new work of the Holy Spirit in my life.

7 thoughts on “Compassion

  1. I also am burdened for my blog family..God has filled my heart to overflowing with love and compassion for them..I am learning that this is the body of Christ, and we are a small part of it…but we are seeing the unity we have been praying for , and that burns in our hearts when one is hurt, or struggling…also thankful that HE would give them to me and open my eyes to see the gift that you all are to me!


  2. Beautiful. I would love to hear your explanations of the difference between human and divine compassion, btw. I can definitely relate to your experiences there (still learning).


  3. It is an amazing phenomenon, this whole blogosphere thingy that’s happenin’. It helps to know others are feeling the same. I thought I was too isolated, or just plain strange to find so many online friends. Y’all have filled my heart to overflowing. Thank you, Dale. I so appreciate your prayers. It is beautiful whenever we find relationship. 😉


  4. Hi Dale,
    I loved this blog. I have asked God for an outpouring of His grace in my life. I had a new experience today in my prayer time. It was a time of confession to God for the sinfulness things I do that I didn’t recognize were sin. I’ve been asking God to show me the things that aren’t pleasing to Him. There was such remorse coming from me I began to
    cry a river of tears. I felt grace pouring over me and through me like never before. God is so good. Thank you for sharing your comments on God’s
    for sharing God’s grace in your life.


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