Cell Phone/Bible

Cell Phone vs. Bible
Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried  it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped  through it several time a day?

What if we turned  back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it  to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated  it like we couldn’t live without it?

What if we gave it  to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it  when we traveled?

What if we used it  in case of emergency?

This is something  to make you go….hmm…where is my Bible?

 Oh, and one more  thing.
Unlike our cell  phone, we don’t have to worry about our Bible being
disconnected because  Jesus already paid the  bill.

 Makes you stop and think ‘where are my priorities? And  no dropped calls!

Copied from an e-mail sent to me 10/14/2008.

One thought on “Cell Phone/Bible

  1. I am Henry Mugisha, a Pastor of an independent small congregation, in Africa Uganda, the country is called Uganda in East Africa.
    I have been an active Preacher for close to ten years now.
    Me and My wife are dedicated and committed to the work of God.
    Now when I came across what you teach online, it prompted me to unlearn what I knew before. And I started adopting what you teach on this website.

    But now, my heart is not happy until what you teach. Reaches the Multitudes in Uganda and Africa at large.
    Here People don’t have internet to access these teachings that have life.
    1. Now I pray that your teachings which are transforming my life and Ministry can also transform other preachers in this country to be compiled and printed.

    2. I also pray that, we organise Zoom Webinar, you teach via zoom. If you can’t travel to Uganda, it can be very cheaper compared to flying into Uganda.
    We can organise fellowships in different regions of Uganda.
    This is sustainable, you teach while out of the country, then we watch you in different gatherings in Uganda we can have like four or three gatherings with Projectors via Internet.
    That can transform Uganda and other places.
    My brother, I can explain it deeper if you need.
    May Peace and the Grace of our Lord Christ Jesus be upon you. Amen.


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