The so-called
Great Commission
has been used by evangelistic churches for many decades.

It is often treated as equal to the two Great Commandments that Jesus gave us.

Is it?

The statement of Jesus to His disciples to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations has been grossly mis-understood.

There are four parts to the commission, but only one is emphasized for the believer. Why is that?

The remaining parts are said to belong to the clergy, or ministry staff of the church.

Is this really what Jesus intended as He spoke to His disciples just before leaving this earth?

In this 10-page report you will discover

  • the four parts of the commission which belong to every believer
  • why many pastors are afraid for you to know what Jesus really said
  • why the Great Commission is NOT given to every believer
  • the difference between a convert and a disciple
  • and much more

There is no fluff in this report—nothing about me or why I am the expert to tell you all this.

It is a straight-forward presentation of the passage from Matthew 28:19-20.