His Word is My Word

2 Sa 23:2  “The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, And His word was on my tongue.”    NKJV

This is the beginning of the last recorded words of King David as found in the second book of Samuel. We all know that David was used of the Lord to speak His word to his generation and recorded so that all generations to follow would have that word.

How is this great king, from whom the promised messiah would come different from the rest of us?

His acts and his words are recorded in the Bible, and I doubt that any of my words or acts will ever be found there. In every other way, we are the same. Our level of passion may differ, but David was truly human.

His acts–the good, the bad, and the ugly are recorded. His words–of praise, of provocation, of depression, of exultation are recorded.

These are recorded for our learning and admonition (warning), and we are to learn how we are to walk with God by the example of others who have gone before us.

There is something powerful to consider in the verse before us.

Without adding to or taking away from the Word, and without claiming any special extra-biblical revelation, can we not say the same as David? Should we not be able to?

We have each been given the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. Each of us is in a different place in our walk with the Lord. Each of us requires different truth at different times for different reasons.

Sometimes, that word of direction comes from a different member of the Body.

Here is where it gets sticky and dangerous. (Some of you reading this are probably already forming your words of warning and correction. Put your sword away. I’m not going there. 🙂 )

It is not necessary, nor advisable to say, “The Lord told me to tell you…” It is equally unnecessary to say, “Thus saith the Lord…”

Those phrases have been used to misguide and entrap saints by well-intentioned believers and by deceitful false shepherds.

No. We should simply deliver that which the Spirit of God places upon our heart and let it go at that. If it is the word for that person in that hour, their spirit will witness to it as being of the Lord. That is all that is necessary.

But, we should be able to know–and at least say within ourselves–The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, and His word was on my tongue.

Jesus said that we are to do the works that He did and even greater. (Jn. 14:12)

He also said that His words were spirit and life, and that He only spoke what the Father gave Him (John 6:63; 14:10)

Part of becoming conformed to His image (Rom. 8:29) is being able to hear and speak what the Father says; to do only what we see the Father do.

And in that place, we, like David, will say, “The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, And His word was on my tongue.”

2 thoughts on “His Word is My Word

  1. This is beautiful and well written. I have often wondered is all this “the LORD told me to tell you” stuff is a form of using God’s name in vain? I do believe at time HE will send some one to speak truth and that is from HIM, but sometimes it is like a beating, and in my own experience God does not beat me down to build me up, HE does however break my heart over things…I am sure it is different for many people…but i really did like this post!


  2. Darla,
    Claiming the Lord is in something, when He definitely is not, is one form of taking the name of the Lord in vain. We have missed so much by focusing on “cussing.” Pro. 30:9 tells us to not name His name as our own if we are not living the life–otherwise, we have taken the Name in vain. “Vain” is usually taken to mean ’empty.’ You are correct. Let us not use His name in an empty fashion for whatever reason.


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